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Oral Foreplay — What’s Sexy and What’s Not

3. It’s Probably Going To Take A Long Time To Orgasm From It

Of course, this isn’t always the case, and everyone’s different. But before I started having oral sex, I had no idea how long it can take both men and women to achieve orgasm this way (it takes me at least 30 minutes when I’m receiving, and I have definitely had male partners in the same boat). I’m not saying you shouldn’t go for the big finish during oral sex, because it’s a pretty awesome experience whether you’re giving or receiving. I’m just saying there’s a reason oral sex is often just a warm up instead of being the main event.

4. Some People Have A Difficult Time Achieving Orgasm During Oral Sex

Not everyone can (or wants to) climax from oral sex. Some women need internal penetration to orgasm, and both men and women can simply have a really hard time relaxing enough during oral to achieve orgasm. Personally, oral is one of the few ways I actually can have an orgasm during sex; but that doesn’t mean it happens for me every time, either. So if you or your partner can’t seem to orgasm during oral sex, no matter how long the two of you spend on each other, and no matter how well you communicate what you want during oral, don’t stress out about it. You’re not bad at sex, or doing something wrong; some people are just built differently.

5. Sometimes Oral Sex Is More Work Than It’s Worth

Don’t get me wrong — most of the time, I love both giving and receiving oral sex. That said, it is a lot of work. And for me personally, that remains true even when I’m the one on the receiving end. I obviously can’t speak for all women, but in my experience, orgasming from oral sex requires a lot of concentration. Some days, oral sex just doesn’t sound relaxing, and sex really shouldn’t feel like a chore — so if you’re not in the mood, you shouldn’t feel guilty for skipping.

6. Giving Oral Can Be Empowering

Obviously, this isn’t always the case, (see the above comment about partners getting too aggressive) but with few exceptions, giving oral has generally felt super empowering to me. Before I started having oral sex, I always thought of it as a submissive act, because I feel like it’s often depicted that way in movies and porn. But giving oral sex can actually make you feel quite in control, because whomever’s on the receiving end is actually very vulnerable. Also, if like me, you’re usually the submissive partner during sex, giving head allows you to have a turn at the dominant role.